GTA IV Rated in Australia

By Chris | 13th Dec 2007 at 20:23 GMT in GTA IV | 14 Comments

Grand Theft Auto IV has now received it's first rating, the OFLC in Australia gave it an MA 15+, similar to the majority of GTA games. This because it contains "Strong violence, Strong coarse language, Drug and sexual references" which is fairly obvious.

Past GTA games have received their ratings roughly a couple of months before they're actually released, and so we could assume that the game is finished, at least to some degree. Take Two will be reporting their fourth quarter and fiscal 2007 results on Tuesday, so we may hear a final release date from the company then. We'll also be expecting ratings to be coming in from the UK, US and Germany very soon.

Link: OFLC classification of GTAIV

Thanks to Matriculated for finding this.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 13th December, 2007 @ 20:27 - Permalink

Woow, when this comes out, i can get it in Australia..

Connor's photo
Connor 13th December, 2007 @ 20:56 - Permalink

I can't wait, I'll have to get someone to buy it for me, since in the UK, it's obviously going to be rated 18s.

Angry Gorilla's photo
Angry Gorilla 13th December, 2007 @ 22:19 - Permalink

Ratings are useless.

Some retailers here don't care if you're underaged, thats how I managed to grab every GTA game (Except 1, 2, Advanced and London Expansion pack)

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 13th December, 2007 @ 22:53 - Permalink

Good to see GTA is being supported somewhat in Australia, I think they banned GTA3 if I remember correctly. Hopefully the release date will be announced on Tuesday.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 13th December, 2007 @ 23:47 - Permalink

yesss, game migh come out in a couple of months, i hope so, canoot wait!!! :D

mark123's photo
mark123 14th December, 2007 @ 00:54 - Permalink
Good to see GTA is being supported somewhat in Australia, I think they banned GTA3 if I remember correctly. Hopefully the release date will be announced on Tuesday.

why whats happening on tuesday??

and, yeah it will be 18 over here. i hope we dont get that stupid bother that manhunt had. i mean its rated 18. you need to be an adult to ( legally) own one. that means its an adults choice to play a game so violent. you cant tell an adult somethings to graphic for them. and if a parent wants to buy it for their kid then thats their problem. but the game was made for adults. if they block the release date for this then i will.. well probably cry. lol

just think.. 2-3 months from now we could be playing this! .. i hope its released in time for my birthday.. imagine waking up and finding this delivered on your birthday ( i pre-ordered it which is the logical thing to do )

anyway i'll stop ranting. but whats happening on tuesday bossman?

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 14th December, 2007 @ 03:03 - Permalink

Ah, you gotta love the +17 rating in Canada. Almost for adults, so not too irresponsible, yet you can buy it with a parents permission...

P.S. Totally stocked for GTA IV!

Chris's photo
Chris 14th December, 2007 @ 03:04 - Permalink
whats happening on tuesday??

Read the first post fully.

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 14th December, 2007 @ 05:49 - Permalink

Jeeeaaaaa boy!!!! That means it's coming. SOON!!! (shreeks like a little school girl)

Artur's photo
Artur 14th December, 2007 @ 07:15 - Permalink

Not that interested in the Australia part of the post but the release date would be awesome. Nice find Matriculated and thanks for posting it Chris. I guess we'll have to wait for Tuesday to see if we get any info.

vicsrealms's photo
vicsrealms 14th December, 2007 @ 07:32 - Permalink

Maybe all GTA fans could get together and sue ESRB if they try this with GTA4. They are basically telling us (especially since I'm 30+ years old) that we don't have the freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness through an extremely violent video game that gives me a chance to shoot stupid people (can't do that in real life, so this game is a good substitute. ~grin~). I'm getting absolutely fed up with the ESRB just up and banning games with their AO rating. I didn't have a any interest in Manhunt until ESRB put an AO rating. I went and purchased it (its still sealed in the packages) so I could support Rockstar and Take Two. The game doesn't interest me at all, but supporting a company that put out 3 of my favorite games (GTA3, VC, and SA) is far more important then that fifty bucks. This will be another one of those games that I purchase it for the consoles, and then when it comes out on the PC I pickup another copy. ~grin~

Dazza's photo
Dazza 14th December, 2007 @ 07:56 - Permalink
I think they banned GTA3 if I remember correctly...

They didn't.

This is awesome, 15th birthday in a month, so that means, when it comes out in 08, I can get it, without lieing about my age, (like I did when I brought VCS). It's really good that Australia got it first rated, it is the best country (unless you want Manhunt 2 ;) )

It's really funny, I went to the site last night and it didn't have it....

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 14th December, 2007 @ 14:59 - Permalink
I think they banned GTA3 if I remember correctly...

They didn't.

This is awesome, 15th birthday in a month, so that means, when it comes out in 08, I can get it, without lieing about my age, (like I did when I brought VCS). It's really good that Australia got it first rated, it is the best country (unless you want Manhunt 2 ;) )

It's really funny, I went to the site last night and it didn't have it....

It was for a short while.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 14th December, 2007 @ 17:40 - Permalink

Well I am thinking that a release date is imminent now, maybe we can see it on Tuesday especially as its Christmas. Chirstmas present? So I think it could be released on Chirtmas (the relsease date that is) but I think the new year will probably be the most suitable.

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