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James B

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Everything posted by James B

  1. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    gambling places like SA
  2. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    roller coasters, farris wheels, go-cart tracks, bumber car tracts, mini golf games, card games that was in lost and damned...gta 5 character and pedestrians can ride/play these
  3. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    safe house garages (like SA) but able to buy stuff for car and service car in garage (replacing tires, work under the car like oil changing, and more) actual/real mud that can be splashed on cars (not dirt) able to mow the grass
  4. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    I like everything except 10 because what if your doing a mission and during the mission you run out of gas and your being shot at?
  5. i know, i just can't get him up inside
  6. I just gave up on the last mission after the 200th time and started a new game file......I wish rockstar didn't make it so hard to get into the copter
  7. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    If there are planes for GTA 5, what about those planes that carry cars?
  8. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    Monster Trucks--like in SA Quad Bikes (4-Wheelers)--like in SA Mower--like in SA Kart--like in SA Bicycles--like in SA Tractor--like in SA Simi-Trucks (able to attach and detach trailers with a push of a button) Customize any vehicles Buy houses--like in SA (but alot more with unlimited parking spaces and able to use parking lots to store Vehicles) Buy vehicles Customize/decorate houses Able to rob houses again--like in SA Jetpacks--like in SA Parachuts--like in SA Able to pilot planes again--like in SA Buy airplane tickets--like in SA Ride as passenger in any car (friend's car, g/f's car, limo, hitch hikde a ride) Taxi missions--like in SA Alot more clothing stores than GTA IV Alot more buildings to enter/explore than GTA IV More side missions Trolly--like in SA (but able to ride them) If arrested, be put into a police car (like real life) Racecars--like in SA Able to customize your characters (weight, muscle, hair, skin color, height, eye color, hair color customizing)
  9. James B

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    lots of clothing stores, same number of safe houses that are in San Andreas (or more) with garages, tons of parking spaces to save cars, able to buy a WIDE selection of car parts and build your own in-game custom car, more tv shows avlible on tvs, laptops in every safe house, infernus not so rare to find (same with any other car), more family members than a cousin in game, lot more mini-games to play, car washes in every city (island), lots of places to enter
  10. I've tried this mission 100+ times with fail, I've also tried everything that was suggested to me but with fail I just can't get Niko to get into the copter he always falls I was thinking that GTA SA last mission wasn't this hard ETIT: If anyone lives in Wichita, Kansas...I'd be willing to meet you with my Xbox 360 HD and have you beat the mission for me
  11. Out of Commision (I can't beat it, tried 100+ times with fail)
  12. Is there only 1 swing set in the game?
  13. easy until the last mission than it's hard, i just can't get niko into the copter
  14. xbox White is xbox 360 Left Bumper...xbox Black is xbox 360 Right Bumper hope I helped
  15. A White American named Marcus who is poor strucken and in millions of $ in dept living in the future, he fights his way out of dept doing jobs for gangs/cops/anyone to get out of dept, with full car customization and the game is in normal time with unlimited parking, tons of buildings to enter, lots more games, charecter able to marry
  16. I'm a fan of GTA (been playing since PSone version) and I hope GTA never ends
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