> Downloads » Multiplayer GTA » SA-MP 0.3.7
SA-MP 0.3.7
File Info Stats
Author: SA-MP Team Views: 627,866
Added: 16th Dec 2009 Downloads: 362,058
Last Update: 2nd Jul 2016 Last Downloaded: 18:35 on 30th May 2024
Version: 0.3.7 Rating: 3.7/5 (2368 Votes)3.7/5 (2368 Votes)3.7/5 (2368 Votes)3.7/5 (2368 Votes)3.7/5 (2368 Votes) (2368 Votes)
Website: sa-mp.com Size: 15.5 Mb
Traffic: 5481.39 Gb

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SA-MP is a free Massively Multiplayer Online game mod for the PC version of Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (tm).

SA-MP 0.3.7 updates

- Over 500 new object IDs added, including stunt objects and land objects.
- Interface font size changing.
- Some new variations of the San Andreas cop skins.
- Server control of the car doors and windows.
- The ability to add sirens for unmarked cop cars.
- A simple static actor system to more easily create actor NPCs for shops.
- Many bug fixes and new scripting features.

Special thanks to Matite and GamerX server for contributing the new the object IDs. Thanks to everyone who tested the new version while it was in testing.

We hope you enjoy the new version. Please check back for any updates.

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